Palm Warbler
Remembrance Day
October 5
On a single night, October 5, 2023, 985 Palm Warblers died from window collisions in Chicago. We have created Palm Warbler Remembrance Day to celebrate these beautiful birds and raise awareness about bird safety. On the anniversary of this day we invite citizens of the world to create replicas of every Palm Warbler that died that night.
Your birds will be added to the massive carpet of 10,836 crowd-sourced birds that comprise the Bird Collisions in the Anthropocene project.
Step 1:
Download this template and watch the video tutorial here. Sew and stuff a blank bird body.
Step 2:
Gather your materials. In an effort to maintain a sustainable arts practice, we ask everyone to use existing materials to craft their bird rather than buying new ones. Old sheets and fabric scraps make great birds but feel free to add any other materials that you already have on hand.
Step 3:
Using the photos here or that you find elsewhere, craft a replica of the Palm Warbler on the blank bird body you have sewn in Step 1. There’s not one set way to create a bird replica, everyone approaches it differently. Don’t worry if your bird doesn’t look exactly like the real one – they all are wonderful!
Step 4:
Walk around the outside of your house and check to see if any windows are reflecting trees and shrubs. Have you ever heard a bird strike your window? Check out the window treatments here and chose one that’s right for you.
Step 5:
Once you have completed your bird, tag it with your name, species common name, date you made it, your location and send it to:
Holly Greenberg
Bird Collisions in the Anthropocene
PO Box 792
599 East Genesee Street
Fayetteville, NY 13066
There is no deadline, please just send your bird as soon as it is finished. Thank you for participating in Palm Warbler Remembrance Day!

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